The NEW Samsung QLED
Posted on 12:00am on Tuesday 31st January 2017 by Walts
QLED is an Acronym for Quantum dot Light Emitting Diode. The most notable use of this technology to date has been in TV sets. LG, Sony, and Samsung have all released quantum dot TVs in recent years, with the latter completely diverting its attention and resources away from OLED [..]
OLED vs LED: What is the Real Difference?
Posted on 12:00am on Wednesday 13th May 2015 by Walts
When anything new comes to the market there is typically a debate about whether or not the new product or technology is better than the old one. It should come as no surprise that there is similar confusion about the variances between older LED/LCD and the new OLED display technology.
How [..]
LG Introducing the Wallpaper TV
Posted on 12:00am on Tuesday 14th February 2017 by Walts
Wallpaper TV (Picture on Wall) is LG’s latest innovation in OLED TVs. The 65” Consumer Model is held on the Wall with Magnets. The Commercial Models have a Mounting panel that fastens to the Wall. Then the TV slides in place on the panel.
The Consumer Model has [..]